Thursday, July 12, 2007

Embarrassed By Bad Breath! How To Naturally Treat Halitosis With Your Diet!

You are reading this right now because you or a loved one suffers from the disease of bad breath… halitosis! And one word you can use to describe the disease which affects 50-80 million Americans is…. Embarrassed! In fact, in many cases, people voice how 'bad breath' has created social and psychological barriers and has even affected personal relationships with their significant other. Constant worry about the smell of halitosis can even have a negative effect how people perform professionally. At work, dates, parties, gatherings, and daily life, bad breath can be devastating to anyone.

So do you have bad breath? Simply worrying about your bad breath or keeping your fears to yourself is not a good solution. Ask honest opinions about your breath from trusted family and friends may be the first step to a 'call to action' against bad breath. To learn what halitosis is and five natural remedies to treat halitosis, please keep reading.

What is Halitosis?

Chronic halitosis is a condition in which a person produces an offensive odor from their oral or nasal regions that they are unable to eliminate with normal oral hygiene techniques, such as brushing, flossing and rinsing. The occasional "morning breath" most people experience is not true halitosis. Bad breath may be affected by many different factors including what you eat, dry mouth, smoking and not brushing/flossing correctly. It can also be a sign of a medical disorder, such as a local infection in the respiratory tract, chronic sinusitis, postnasal drip, chronic bronchitis, diabetes or gastrointestinal disturbance, liver or kidney ailment.

Where does Halitosis come from?

Typically, the bad breath odor comes from activity of bacteria in the mouth, usually from the back part of the tongue. Simply put, microorganisms in the mouth break down proteins and produce foul smelling gasses leaving the victim with 'bad breath'.

Five Main Types of Mouth Odors that contribute to Bad Breath.

1. Periodontal - odor from the crevicular fluid in the periodontal pockets (between teeth)

2. Nasal - odor from nasal cavity

3. Denture- odor emitted from removable dentures (false teeth)

4. Tongue - odor from posterior tongue dorsum (back part of tongue) (most common)

5. Smoker's Breath - odor emitted from habitual smoker

Help is Around the Corner!

Fortunately, you can cure the disease of halitosis by practicing some common oral hygiene procedures. Unfortunately, most people have common 'bad habits' for brushing, flossing and scraping. Could you be making some 'bad breath' mistakes?

Tips for Brushing, Flossing, and Scraping

Brushing your teeth is paramount for fighting bad breath! You should use a soft bristled tooth brush and brush at least twice a day. All surfaces of teeth (outer, inner, and top) need to be brushed back and forth in short one-tooth strokes. Many halitosis sufferers will often not brush long enough.

Flossing should be done with fluoride floss that is about 15 inches long. Make sure you guide floss (back and forth) between teeth and not snap floss between your teeth. Make sure the floss touches all edges of side teeth and gum line. Start a pattern so you do not miss any teeth, including the back of molars.

Scraping the tongue is often a forgotten oral hygiene practice. To scrape the tongue of the 'bad breath causing' bacteria, take regular tooth brush and dip the toothbrush into mouthwash. The toothbrush now can be used to gently brush the back of tongue. You should repeat this step until the yellow/white film is brushed off of tongue.
You can also change your diet to fight halitosis.

A Halitosis-Fighting Diet

1. Water is your Best Friend! Drink as much of it as you can! We would recommend up to 10-12 glasses per day! Dry mouth is linked with bad breath.

2. Finish that Fruit! Fruit is loaded with water, vitamins and minerals! We should have listened to "An apple a day keeps the doctor away".

3. Vegetables! You are not a kid anymore, eat those vegetables. Besides having ample water they will also help your overall health.

4. Lower your Dairy! Eating dairy foods will often produce a foul odor!

5. Lower your Protein! Eating meats will also create a 'bad breath' reaction.

6. Drink Tea NOT Coffee! Compounds found in green or black tea have been found to stop the growth of bacteria that cause bad breath.

7. Sugarless Yogurt! Researchers have found that sugarless yogurt reduces compounds that create bad breath.

Finally, do not stop here! You have finally started on the path to eliminate bad breath for good! This is just the tip of the iceberg for information to fight against halitosis. Remember that educating yourself on halitosis will be the main tool to ridding yourself of bad breath. Imagine no more bad breath, no more awkwardness, no more worrying! Please don't wait another day counting the hours until your next 'bad breath situation'… A guaranteed solution is just clicks away. Check out our research-based site today! You will not regret it… guaranteed!

By: Joe Barton

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About The Author:

Joe Barton writes for Barton Publishing Inc., a leading natural health company specializing in educating people of numerous natural remedies and safe, affordable cures. To discover how to naturally treat halitosis… guaranteed! Please click here:

Keywords: dental, dental care, brush teeth, toothbrush, bad breath, Halitosis, mouth odour

Monday, July 9, 2007

How to Brush Teeth Without Toothpaste

Here is an easy way to keep your teeth clean if you ever find yourself without toothpaste. This is also great for people who have health concerns about toothpaste and it is easy to take on camping trips, as it is light and easy to carry.

  • 1/4 cup of baking soda
  • 1/8 cup of water
  • Edible flavoring (optional)
  1. Mix the baking soda and water in a container.
  2. Add flavoring (optional).
  3. Shake the container rapidly.
  4. Slowly pour a small portion onto your tooth brush and start to brush!
  • You might be surprised to know that this method whitens your teeth just as well as using a brand name toothpaste and it will still prevent cavities.
  • One suggested flavoring is lemon or lime juice as these are very refreshing flavors and they also help to brighten teeth. However, be aware that adding anything acidic (such as lemon or lime juice) to the 'toothpaste' because this could cause a weakening of the tooth (acid erosion).
  • In some places, for example India, Neem twigs are used for brushing teeth. (Neem is a kind of tree.) Similarly, Miswak sticks are used in the Middle East. These are natural alternatives to toothpaste and there is no need for a toothbrush either; easy and a sustainable solution for our planet.
  • Do not use too much flavoring - this could cause numbness of the tongue.
  • Sugar is not a flavoring!
  • If you've swallowed a lot of the "toothpaste" mixture, drink water and seek medical assistance if needed; too much baking soda may make you vomit.
  • Be careful if you use this treatment frequently; it might wear the enamel off your teeth.

From Wikihow: How to Brush Teeth Without Toothpaste

Keywords: dental, dental care, brush teeth, toothpaste, clean teeth

Thursday, July 5, 2007

How to Brush Your Teeth

It is very important to brush your teeth at least once a day. Brushing cleans the teeth, makes the breath smell fresh, and wards off serious illnesses that occur when you have gum disease.


  1. Use a mouthwash rinse first so as to kill most of the bacteria before rubbing them around the rest of your mouth.
  2. Floss before brushing, so that there isn't a large barrier of bacterial plaque between the brush and your teeth.
  3. Wet your toothbrush slightly.
  4. Squeeze a pea-size amount of toothpaste onto a soft-bristled toothbrush. Your toothpaste should contain fluoride and bear the American Dental Association (ADA) seal.
  5. Use short, back-and-forth brushing motions to clean the outside and inside surfaces of the teeth, as well as the chewing surfaces. Follow with up-and-down motions to clean the inside surfaces of the front teeth.
  6. Brush along the gum line. This is extremely important, as gum disease starts here. Brush gently to avoid damaging your gums. Make sure to brush your back molars, where bacteria like to hide.
  7. Open your jaws, and brush the tops and back of your teeth. Make sure you clean all of your teeth.
  8. Brush your tongue to remove bacteria that cause bad breath.
  9. Spit into a sink.
  10. Wash your mouth out with water to remove all remaining toothpaste.


  • Brushing should take about 2 1/2 to 3 minutes, no more, no less.
  • Get a soft toothbrush; the packaging should identify it as such. Never use medium or hard brushes because they can damage your gums and cause recession.
  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day, and after each meal if you can. You might want to set a brushing schedule so you keep at it.
  • When your toothbrush bristles fray out or become too soft, usually after 3 months, it is time to get a new toothbrush. (You can find toothbrushes that change color when the brush is ready to be thrown out.)
  • Don't brush too hard, as it might make your gums bleed and cause unnecessary damage.
  • Visit a dentist at least once a year for an exam and x-rays, and a cleaning.
  • Consider using mouthwash after you brush for a fresh, clean feeling and added protection against gingivitis, etc.
  • Floss daily.
  • Carry sugar-free gum with you.

  • Never use someone else's toothbrush. You can transfer germs, bacteria, and diseases through microscopic cuts in your mouth.
  • Do not go two or more days without brushing your teeth. If you do, your mouth can become very nasty and you increase your risk of periodontal disease and cavities.

From WikiHow: How to Brush Your Teeth


teeth, brush teeth, toothbrush, toothpaste, breath, gum disease, dental care